Big Sky, MT
Client Lone Mountain Land Company
Outdoor time is linked to mental and physical health – lowering stress, improving mood, and even strengthening the immune system. More people than ever are recognizing the need to unplug, reconnect with the natural world and reconnect with each other. Choosing the real over the virtual, and seeking experiences over material possessions, while bringing their lives back into balance. Nowhere is there a stronger antidote to modern urban angst than among wild meadows, towering forests and glowing snowcapped peaks of Montana … it’s good for your soul. This insight helped Strada craft a brand story for Lone Mountain Land Company, owner and developer for sister brands Spanish Peaks Mountain Club and Moonlight Basin in Big Sky, Montana. The strategy was to promote Big Sky to potential second-home buyers as a high-end travel destination with an outfitter mentality. In other words, wild is the new luxury.